Saturday, August 14, 2010

Apocalypse Now (Two-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

  • Aug 14, 2010 19:34:43

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  • Francis Ford Coppola's timeless classic comes to Blu-ray for the first time!

    This 2-Film Set includes Apocalypse Now and Apocalypse Now Redux, presented in stunning new HD transfers supervised by Francis Ford Coppola - and in their original 2.35:1 theatrical aspect ratios. With over 9 hours of bonus features, including new interviews with Coppola, Martin Sheen and screenwriter John Milius.

  • Apocalypse Now (Two-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray] Reviews By Customers
  • There are many excellent reviews written on the plot summary of Apocalypse Now. Therefore, because I am a adjunct history prof., my review will emphasize the important literary influences on the writers Francis Ford Copolla, (director as well), John Milius and Michael Herr. The movie is a seminal work because it was influenced by four important works of the twentieth century: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, T. S. Elliott's poem the Wasteland, Sir James George Frazer's book The Golden Baugh, and Jessie L. Weston's book From Ritual To Romance. By the way, anyone who has read Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces cannot deny that the movie follows his paradigm of the "hero's quest." One actually gets a visual glimpse of this in the movie in a scene with Col. Kurtz in his cave. On his night stand one can briefly see T. S. Elliott's poem the Wasteland, Sir James George Frazer's book The Golden Baugh, and Jessie L. Weston's book From Ritual To Romance.

    Sir James George Frazer's book The Golden Baugh was a groundbreaking work on ancient religion, paganism, and roots of early Christianity. Frazer does an in-depth examination of the sacrificial killing of god-kings to ensure bountiful harvests, which Frazer traces through several cultures, including in his elaborations the myths of Adonis, Osiris, and Balder.

    Frazer spent his life writing fifteen volumes of history of myth and religion. His abridged book sums up his theory of magic and its connections to paganism, as well as fusing ideas from Jessie L. Weston's book From Ritual To Romance and Gnostic texts that serve as a link to early Christianity's influence from ancient nature cults. His chapter titles say much about where his work goes and why it is so influential on iconic twentieth century works. The King of the Wood explains the original nature of the task imposed upon the hero, it undoubtedly influenced both Campbell's and Coppola's works. The Myths of Adonis, Attis, and Osiris looks to establish a chain of descent connecting early Aryan and Babylonian ritual with classic, Medieval and modern forms of nature worship. Our Debt to the Savage explains the role of the Medicine Man or doctor in fertility ritual. The Killing of the Devine King analyzes how this title is prevalent in so many of humankind's legends, and was a definite influence on Coppola's Colonel Kurtz character. Sacrifice of the King's Son regarded as an object of awe certainly influenced the movie.

    Anyone wanting to understand the movie Apocalypse Now, especially the character of Colonel Kurtz, and what Milius and Copolla were trying to tell their audience need to read these five books! I promise you that in addition to a better understanding of the movie you will have a better insight into mankind's thirst for spirituality.

    I love the redux a philosopher I find you can "peel" the movie like an onion finding all of its nuances. In addition, one of the greatest movie soundtracks of all time!!!

    By the way, how could I not love this movie, I am a retired army helicopter pilot! I recommend this movie and the books for anyone interested in literature, myth, history, philosophy, religion and fans of Apocalypse Now.

    Great Classic - Great Shopper -
    It is a classic. I saw it when it came out and honestly watching it today brought much more meaning for it.

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  • Regarding the upcoming Blu-Ray release of the Full Disclosure Edition - N. Fasso - CA
    Enough has been said about this movie for you to find out what you need to know about it elsewhere. The upcoming Full Disclosure Edition appears to be set to put an end to which release of this film you should purchase. It will come with the theatrical cut, the much-extended director's cut (which I prefer), and, perhaps best of all, the incredible documentary Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse.

    The documentary is absolutely stunning, and to finally have it included alongside the film - where it belongs - rather than in a rare DVD or VHS release is just perfect. It was filmed by Francis' wife throughout the moviemaking process, and features unbelievably candid interviews with the cast and crew, most of whom admit to being on hallucinogens during shooting and even on set. Watching the movie essentially fall apart and then finally come together to win some of the most coveted awards in the industry is awe-inspiring.

    If you are holding out still, hold out a little longer. October is on its way, and with it, a Blu-Ray set that looks to surpass even the most thorough of Criterion releases.

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