Saturday, August 21, 2010

Island [Blu-ray]

  • Aug 21, 2010 22:00:04

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  • Region All Blu-Ray pressing. In this action thriller from director Michael Bay (PEARL HARBOR, ARMAGEDDON), survivors of global contamination live in a sterile, self-contained world where their every move is monitored. The rules are easy: be pleasant, refrain from asking questions, and don't rock the boat. Everything they need is provided for them, from the white uniforms that magically appear in their closets, to their customized cafeteria-style meals. The survivors all eagerly await their big payoff: winning the lottery and being sent to The Island, the only remaining untainted land in the world. But Lincoln Six-Echo (Ewan McGregor) yearns for more from his life and begins to wonder what really lies outside the thick walls. When his best friend, Jordan Two-Delta (Scarlett Johansson), wins the lottery, he knows that he has to find out the truth about their world before she departs. What he finds is terrifying enough to send Lincoln and Jordan fleeing from the facility to the real world where they quickly discover that they are clones, and that both The Island and global contamination are a ruse. The clones sole purpose is to be harvested for replacement parts when their sponsors need them. With his business now in jeopardy, Dr. Merrick (Sean Bean), the founder of the cloning company, hires a crack team led by Albert Laurent (Djimon Hounsou) to track down his escaped product. Wild chase scenes through Los Angeles circa 2050 are punctuated by high-tech transportation as Lincoln and Jordan run for their lives

  • Island [Blu-ray] Reviews By Customers
  • 2005's Sci-Fi thriller "The Island" features Ewan McGregor as Lincoln Six-Echo and Scarlett Johansson as Jordan Two-Delta, residents of a high-tech facility in which "special" humans are sheltered from "contamination" in an unseen outside world. The residents lead a simple regimented life like overgrown school children; their health, diets, and activities are closely monitored, and they are discouraged from asking questions.

    Lincoln Six-Echo develops an unhealthy curiosity in the outside. On a fateful excursion through a service tunnel, he discovers the residents are "product", living tissue banks paid for by wealthy clients of a bio-tech corporation. He and Jordan Two-Delta make a break for the outside, just ahead of ruthless armed mercenaries sent by the head of the corporation (Sean Bean in full-on doctor with a god-complex mode).

    The long, breathless escape sequence at the core of the movie is filled with exciting stunts and astonishing special effects. The struggle of Lincoln Six-Echo and Jordan Two-Delta to adapt to an unfamiliar world is the source of some humor and a touching bonding experience. Their escape will, however, lead them to tough choices.

    "The Island" gets off to a slow start before going into stunt overdrive. This reviewer wishes two superb actors had spent less time running and been given more time to explore. "The Island" is highly recommended as an interesting, exciting and entertaining sci-fi movie experience.

    great film, but what's with the price?!?!?! - Jay - USA
    I really enjoyed this film and it looks fantastic on blu ray. The price is just insane. I purchased from Amazon's UK site for total. This particular film is region free and will play on any blu ray player. I'm still not sure why it's not available in the US. I've heard that there were legal matters concerning the story being almost identical to an older film. Whatever the case....avoid this high price and go to Amazon UK. Remember....NOT ALL BLU RAY FILMS ARE REGION don't just go and buy everything from the UK site. Use caution and enjoy!!!

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  • PLAGIARISM!!! - Nick - New York
    This movie is a complete and total rip-off of Parts: The Clonus Horror. While I admit that Parts is not a very good movie, it WAS original. I have always thought Michael Bay was a hack and this proves it. There is a lawsuit underway (or so I've heard) from the filmmakers who made Parts. Good for them. Bay should be ashamed.

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