Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ancient Aliens: Season One [Blu-ray]

  • Nov 03, 2010 17:15:08

  • Brand : A&E Home Video

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  • Product Overviews
  • Is it possible that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago, bringing with them technology that drastically affected the course of history and man's own development? Presented in the 1968 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods, by Erich von Daniken, the theory of 'ancient aliens' rocked people's beliefs in mankind's progress. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian texts that describe the 'flying machines of the gods' were just a few of the odd archaeological artifacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors. Produced with the exclusive cooperation of von Daniken himself, ANCIENT ALIENS launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man s evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.

    Includes all five revealing episodes.

    DISC 1: The Evidence / The Visitors
    DISC 2: The Mission / Closer Encounters
    DISC 3: The Return / Bonus

  • Ancient Aliens: Season One [Blu-ray] Reviews By Customers
  • I watched the entire series on the History Channel . It is very factual and the makers went to great lengths to research the subject. This is by far the most compelling information on the subject and will have even skeptics raising eyebrows. I was shocked by some of the factual content that I had never heard before. Throw away anything else you have seen on the subject. This takes the subject to a new level . I tend to be very skeptical of the majority of what you see on UFOs , aliens , etc. This series is fantastic. You are presented with indisputable fact after fact. A must see.

    Thank God (lol) these are finally coming out on Blu Ray! - Corona85 -
    I've watched the entire series on History Channel as well, and have been waiting for a blu ray release since it has aired. I highly recommend this series to people who are curious about our origins. A lot of eye opening theories and stories to make you think.

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  • Full Screen??????? - fan of quality products - Massachusetts, USA
    My rating is for the series itself which is extremely well done. But I noticed that the Blue Ray aspect ratio is listed as 1.33:1. Say WHAT? The series has been presented in HD and widescreen throughout, so this perplexes me. Anybody, is this an glitch or for real?

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