Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Princess and the Frog (Single Disc Blu-ray)

  • Jul 01, 2010 21:42:52

  • Brand : Buena Vista Home Video

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  • Product Overviews
  • Disney celebrates a modern-day classic from the directors of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. Discover what really happened after the princess kissed the frog in an inspired twist on the world's most famous kiss. This hilarious adventure leaps off the screen with stunning animation, irresistible music and an unforgettable cast of characters. Enter Princess Tiana's world of talking frogs, singing alligators and lovesick fireflies as she embarks on an incredible journey through the mystical bayous of Louisiana. Spurred on by a little bit of courage and a great big dream, these new friends come to realize what's truly important in, family and friendship. Overflowing with humor and heart, The Princess and the Frog is an incredible motion picture experience your whole family will want to enjoy again and again!

    Bonus Content Includes: The Disney Legacy, The Princess Portraits Game, The Making Of A Princess, Conjuring The Villain, The Return To Hand-Drawn Animation, The Disney Legacy, Disney's Newest Princess, Bringing Life To Animation, Art Galleries, Music Video By Ne-Yo

  • Product Features
    • ISBN13:
    • Condition: NEW
    • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

  • The Princess and the Frog (Single Disc Blu-ray) Reviews By Customers
  • For all my reviews visit my website

    I am NOT reviewing the DVD. Just the movies unless otherwise stated.

    Please note that the rating above might not accurately reflect my thoughts, you will see a rating sentence at the end of the review.

    Kid's movies are coming back! Walt Disney is coming back! Dang, I am so glad to see this. I had just enough of Disney Channel Bull$#!T. Finally, we see this. This, Where the Wild Things Are and Christmas Carol are the new great kids movies of our generation. Too see Disney making this right decision, is unbelievably making me happy. I want kids to have this in there childhood, no more Miley Cyrus, more Disney! Things should go back to the way they were, and I hope they do.

    Probably the greatest thing is the way it is filmed. No real live actors (except for voices), no CGI. Real animation. Infact, Disney animation. There's depth and colors and crazy sizes just about everything. It's incredibly fun, it's a Disney Musical! BOOM! But it also has that seriousness that classic Disney movies do. The trial of shooting animals is one of these things, nobody actually does get shot, but there are hunters and machine guns. That's part of real life! That's a reason why I loved Where the Wild Things Are, it showed some real life for once.

    The characters are spot on Disney, the alligator feels like Baloo and King Luie (I have no idea how to spell that) mixed together. And there's a recurring theme, like in all Disney movies, there all trying to reach this one goal but they keep meeting enemies, tests and allies. But there all on the same journey until the very end when they realize what they really wanted wasn't what they were looking for the whole time. That happens in every Disney movie!

    The Shadow Man reminds me of Scar (Me=Big Lion King Fan.) He's one bad son of a gun. And there's another thing, while the main characters are searching for there goal there is the villain who tries to stop them...for a different reason. Disney sure does play with the typical hero story. This movie almost lost sight of what it was trying to teach kids, but it latched on to that rope just in the nick of time. (With some kids falling off, but Disney movies aren't meant to be the same thing every single time.)

    [The next paragraph might be offensive]

    Something different from typical Disney movies [which is actually an improvement] is the inclusion of...agh, I'm not even gonna say it. Okay, I'll say it. I like how there's a African-American cast of characters instead of an all Caucasian cast. However, a lot of Disney movies seem to be bias againts African-Americans, well this, feels like it's trying to be bias againts Caucasian just so it will get better ratings. How bout an equal cast?

    Usually in Disney movies, we see far away places. The Jungles of India, the deserts of the Middle East, the jungles of Africa, Wonderland, everywhere. Here, we see a new twist, I'm not in favor nor against, New Orleans. Oh, and here we go with this one: I have not been pleased with a musical in SO LONG! This is a musical that made me feel good, IT'S A DISNEY MUSICAL FOR CHEESE SAKE!

    I could say even more about how happy I am with this movie, but I'm not, cause will be here forever.

    The Rating? 4.9/5

    I, Da Ca$hman signing off.

    it was ok... - Lori A. Riffle -
    The movie wasnt as good as I thought it would be, but the kids like it.

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  • Equals Disney's Pixar release of 2009 - Newton Ooi - Phoenix, Arizona United States
    After watching this movie, I've finally come to understand Disney's movie strategy every year. Basically, every year Pixar releases a movie with either all of the lead roles being male, or half of the lead roles being male. The same year, Disney's traditional cartoon will have a female lead, or a male-female shared lead. So for 2009, Pixar's release was Up, starring all male leads. And Disney's traditional cartoon was another "princess" movie with a female lead. To complete the separation, the Pixar releases are non-musical CGI extravaganza's geared towards boys while the traditional Disney cartoons are musical masterpieces that spawn talking books, soundtrack sales, etc... that are geared towards girls.

    Now to the movie itself. Featuring Disney's first ever black leading lady, this is a great family movie. Yes it is a "princess" movie, but there is nothing prissy or girly about it. Instead, it is more of a "lift yourselves up by your own bootstraps" movie that would make Oprah proud, which might be why she has a small role in it. The leading role is voiced by Anika Noni Rose, the lesser of the trio from the DreamGirls movie several years back. She does a great job leading the movie, and her singing voice is excellent. The songs are great; not catchy like those from Lion King but instead more modern, rhythmic and entertaining. The supporting cast is also great, and includes a jazz-playing alligator, a backstabbing butler, a voodoo witch doctor, and a firefly among others. And unique among Disney cartoons, a principal character actually dies at the end.

    The film is just over 1.5 hours long, which is just right for a children's movie. The story is both original, yet derived from familiar themes that Disney has used before. Overall, a great movie and maybe the best movie for kids in 2009. I would say it was better than Pixar's Up.

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  • Pure Disney Magic - Joseph Izzo -
    As a fan of beauty & The Beast, and The Little Mermaid, I had high expectations for Disney's return to traditional animation. Suffice to say I was NOT disappointed. The Princess & The Frog is fun and magical from start to finish. Boy do I miss this style of animation. It creates a world and look you simply do not get in this age of CGI movies that seem to be churned out like candy on an assembly line these days. If you're a fan of Disney's more traditional musical animated movies. See this now.

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