Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [Blu-ray]

  • Oct 30, 2010 15:19:39

  • Brand : Buena Vista Home Video

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  • Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [Blu-ray] Reviews By Customers
  • I am a HUGE fan of CS Lewis Narnia Chronicles. I read them as a child and reread them routinely. This second production (Prince Caspian) took some liberties I didn't really care for, but in a general way it was good. IF you have kids, FIRST try to get them to read the books. I can't imagine seeing these movies without having read them. CS Lewis is also the author of many GREAT Christian books.'Screwtape Letters' is another GREAT book by Mr. Lewis and has a lot of humor, along with very clear issues with the "other side" for us older children.

    The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - J. M. Cummins - salem, oregon
    Very enjoyable movie that my family will enjoy over and over. It was a great movie for family movie night.

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  • Fantastic! - Don Bridges -
    This is a great movie. It is very entertaining. I will look forward to seeing the other movies in this series!

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  • WARNING! Disney has disabled BD-Live on this and other older titles! - Mel Beckman - Oxnard not just a pretty name, CA United States
    Others here report well on the serious problems with this movie's production: deviations from Lewis' original plot, fabrication of non-existent scenes, and corruption of the characters' motives and personalities. You should also be aware that Disney has disabled the BD-Live content with no explanation or recourse, other than returning the disc. Yet Disney continues to advertise the BD-Live features on its site.

    The problem is that all the BD-Live features require registering an account on the Disney site, but Disney has deliberately removed the registration process, effectively locking out anyone not already registered. This constitutes false advertising, in my opinion, but Disney refuses to either correct its advertising or restore registration.

    I both emailed and called Disney, and they acknowledge the problem but refuse to restore access. Here is the email response I received:

    "With the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Disney BD-Live Network has undergone several changes. With these changes, there is no longer an option to register for the BD-Live Network. The features on future Blu-ray titles will not require registration. Past Blu-ray titles will be changing with future updates to eliminate registration enabled features. You will still be able to access the BD-Live Network as a guest if the registration is not completed. If you have any further questions, please call us at 1-800-723-4763, Mondays 9:30-7:30 and Tuesday through Friday 9:30-6:30 CST for assistance."

    Disney's statement "You will still be able to access the BD-Live Network as a guest if the registration is not completed" is disingenuous: it applies only to FUTURE titles, not this one or others of its vintage, according to the Disney rep I spoke with. You're completely locked out of BD-Live on the Prince Caspian Narnia BD (and all BDs prior to Snow White).

    I asked Disney how anyone can trust them not to renege on its BD-Live content promises again on the latest titles. They had no answer. Why Disney is cheating its customers is a mystery. It can't possibly cost anything significant to maintain a registration process. This seems another example of a heartless Disney driven by greed and lacking even rudimentary business ethics.

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