Friday, June 18, 2010

The Invisible [Blu-ray]

  • Jun 18, 2010 07:30:15


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  • The Invisible [Blu-ray] Reviews By Customers
  • I'll be honest that when this hit the theater I was working at, I thought it looked liked what it was marketed as: a cheap teen melodrama thriller. The moniker that sadly made the DVD box, "Together they must solve his murder...before it's too late" didn't help matters. This isn't really a mystery because there's never really a "who-dun-it" moment. I happened to see a clip of this and was surprised at how drawn I was (probably because Justin Chatwin's character is a writer like myself) but truly, this movie had a much greater potential and execution of its themes than I would've imagined.

    A year and a half after its release, I finally borrowed it from the local library and I was astounded how deep this thing was. I think there are probably a lot of movies that get overlooked simply because of mediocre acting or some other flaw (and don't get me wrong, there's certainly room for improvement in that area for this flick), but the thematical material, best captured by the original tagline, "Life, Death and Something In Between" really does play out quite beautifully.

    You see the two main characters at their best and their worst - particularly Annie Newton, wonderfully embodied by newcomer Margarita Levieva, who has a commanding presence even in what could be the most awful scenes if another actress had been there. I was truly enraptured by the story - not a murder mystery, but rather a journey for both characters of finding the self and redemption. I remain rather vague in this review simply because I hate to ruin anything about the film. If you love storytelling as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to give this film a shot. It's not just a "teen melodrama" or some new take on "Ghost", but it rather easily crosses genres, something director David S. Goyer acknowledges is more affluent in European cinema than American. We're used to separating and labeling, but truly this film transcends a lot of labels and stands on its own as a unique blend. It offers notsomuch a "mystery" but rather a "journey". Of love and redemption, of the budding relationship between Nick and Annie as they each find a reason to give their life meaning.

    I'll admit I identified so much with the characters that it's become rather an obsession. I plan on tracking down a copy not only of the novel which inspired the original Swedish film (the differences of which are discussed in the director and writer's commentary on this disc) but that film as well, simply because the journey of each adaptation fascinates me. I've also contributed to the Wiki entry for the film (although not the plot summary, which I still need to edit from the previous contributor, who did more biased play-by-play then a neutral rundown of the plot).

    Invisible Review - shannon Buggie - sunnyvale, ca
    I really enjoyed this movie, it was an interesting topic. Plus it doesn't hurt that Justin Chatwin is super hot.

    The Invisible - Mary Smith - IA
    What a nice change. I instruct High School At-Risk students and I wanted to show a movie about setting goals and thinking about your future. A student suggested this to me. It is a B-to C+ quality film, but there is a definite message they portrayed in this movie. I checked out the book, because I always believe the book is better than the movie--this was a definite no for the first time in my life. The movie was a bit too long in dragging out the search, and you have to have some imagination when watching this, but I will show it again another year.

    Dont get jipped - PKtech - California
    I love this movie but this is the first Blue Ray I've seen that actually removed scenes from the movie. The version thats shown on TV is actually longer and better. They did a terrible job making this BlueRay

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